
My insights have supported early to late stage startups and non-profits with evaluation & impact, fundraising, IPOs, product development and launches, as well as branding and marketing campaigns for industry leaders.  

I've worked on both the research supplier and the brand side, garnering a deep understanding of a plethora of methodologies and how to apply them to solve nuanced business problems.

I have expertise in delivering both B2C and B2B audience insights, along with deep experience and passion for tech, edtech and parent-tech, as well as in more traditional verticals like retail and CPG.

I am excited to continue to partner with high impact and mission-driven startup organizations that seek strong insights to acceleratetheir growth. I will bring all I've learned from working with a variety of organizations at different stages into our partnership.

The following is a sample of the types of projects I have completed throughout my almost 20 years in the industry.  
For more details and case studies of other projects, please reach out to

Past Project:
Early Stage Startup

Fundraising, Audience Expansion, &
New Market Launch

I worked closely with the founders of early-stage startup, Grasshopper Kids, to identify their full market and revenue opportunities for fundraising activities.

Connecting the dots through an in-depth landscape and syndicated data analysis, I also delivered short- and long-term expansion recommendations encompassing target audience insights for both their B2B and B2C populations, new markets to launch in, product features/messaging, as well as marketing channels. 

My insights are supporting the growth of this incredibly needed startup into 2-3 new markets over the next years and the organization’s next stage of fundraising.

Past Project:
Late Stage Startup

Product Development and Launch

I led the in-depth research that drove the launch of a key product innovation to help overcome critical customer challenges, and increase customer reach and frequency at Groupon. 

I ran multiple iterations of qualitative and quantitative research spanning initial product reactions to feature priorities, to product naming, to audience targeting, and finally go-to-market messaging.

My research drove the successful launch of a product that met key KPIs for both the organization's B2C and B2B customer base - increased ease, usage and customer growth. During the quarterly earnings report post-launch, the CEO specifically called out the positive impact the product was already having on the customer experience, as well as the high adoption rate among consumers and merchants.

Past Project:
Late Stage Startup

Product Campaign Launch

Pinterest had a strong desire to move into being more of a shopping platform.  I led a combination of quantitative surveys, third party clickstream analysis, and qualitative shop-alongs that demonstrated that the brand was a full funnel shopping experience.

My insights built the core verticalized Shopping sales narrative, led to a large-scale blogpost and were used on stage at key industry conferences , moving the needle on perceptions of it's shopping capabilities, per brand tracking research and growing its retail advertiser base.

Past Project:
Late Stage Startup

IPO Insights

When Pinterest went public, I led a significant portion of the primary research used in the S-1 and roadshow to prove the opportunity and brand differentiation.  My insights on the platform’s strong relevance and customer value, along with its unique discovery and purchase journey supported a strong valuation and successful public offering.